Petal or drawing choice.
The drawing choice under a petal or a petal Choice under drawing of value has no. All depends on character of the author. But features at a choice are also them it is necessary to consider.
The most significant in my opinion for good work is the correct combination of drawing to a petal. To put on a flower petal it is possible any drawing but as it will look and be perceived by the spectator here a problem for the artist. The petal of a flower not a canvas which can be written down it completely a paint. It should be in harmony with drawing to be its continuation and if a flower to sketch completely then there is a question and what for the flower petal in general is necessary? The conclusion is obvious: a flower petal to paint over a paint more than 50% its surface it is impossible. Exceptions make perhaps portraits which can occupy and 75% surfaces. But anyway the surface not touched by a paint should remain big with a flower petal. The flower petal is necessary for creation of a background at drawing. In it the sense of drawing on a flower instead of in that to paint over and without that a beautiful surface of a flower a continuous paint also consists.
A petal choice: Most simple it under ready drawing to select the most suitable petal of a flower. Drawing is thought already up (and can at all us) and a background to it to pick up it two minute business the main thing the nobility corrected "black and white", "dark and light", "warm and cold". And the petal should pass smoothly in the image or sharply underline it. Though at infringement of these rules the ended work looks less effectively but nevertheless it too art in which the artist's soul part is put.
Drawing choice: It is very difficult process. On the one hand there is a petal and on it it would be desirable to draw and pick up something to it drawing to become a problem. It is connected first of all with that that it is possible to put the limited quantity of drawings on its surface which will be in harmony with a flower. And this drawing still is necessary for finding. And conditions for the image are dictated by a surface of a petal: patterns заломы color contrast all it does a working surface unique and unique. Another matter when looking at a surface you start to draw at once but for this purpose it is necessary to have good imagination. But anyway drawing should be entered in a petal (to look on a surface beautifully) to be with it in one sheaf. On the other hand you have found the necessary drawing which is combined with a petal and there is a desire this drawing to draw. And if drawing doesn't cause delight in us and there is no desire this drawing to put on a flower and when there is no desire that work directly from hands falls and draw it through I (do not want) and upon termination of it the eye doesn't please beautifully but not "the best". Here also it turns out what to select a petal under drawing the most optimum in my opinion the decision. Safe so to say business.
The author of article: Shirogorov Alexander
PS. Be not afraid to choose! Experiment safely.