

Exhibition The main


In the Kurganinsky historical museum the exhibition has taken place from September, 23rd till December, 1st, 2010.

I express special gratitude to the director of a museum to Goncharovoj Elena Gennadevne for the given possibility to expose work and to Ugryumov Gennady Nikolaevichu for the help in registration.

The address: the city of Kurganinsk, 44 Kalinin street

The museum works from 9.00 till the Break: (without interruption) Days off: (without days off)

To pass to a museum site >>>

The letter of thanks from mayor Kurganinska.

Following works have been presented to expositions:

The stand with petals of roses painted in classical style

Venus milossky (¹12) White three horses (¹15)
Iris (¹9) V.V.Putin (¹21)
Winter evening (¹3) Alenky floret (¹11)
Winter hunting (¹22) February (¹13)

The stand of works in Japanese style

The geisha (¹14) The Samurai (¹6)
Year of a white tiger (¹10) Dragon (¹8)
On the eve of a holiday (¹20) Insects (¹19)
Insects (¹18)  


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